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Please click here to view our Community Engagement poster. The poster shows our links and partnerships locally, nationally, and internationally.


Shaftesbury in the community-

Shaftesbury students go fishing

The Masonic Trout and Salmon Fishing Charity invited Shaftesbury students to join them on a lovely fishing trip on the grounds of Harrow Boys School. Students learned exciting new skills - but don't worry all fish caught were returned to the Lake.

Watford FC Community & Sports Trust

Shaftesbury is delighted to work with the Watford FC Community and Sports Trust  who run community sports and educational activities on behalf of the Premier League team. Students took part in a range of sporting activities at the recent opening of an extension to Cedars sports club and they (and their teachers) enjoyed meeting with goalkeeper Heurelho Gomes and the wife and daughter of the late Graham Taylor.

Watford FCC Trust

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