Welcome from the Headteacher
It is a pleasure to welcome you to Shaftesbury High School, a secondary special needs school in the London Borough of Harrow. With an outstanding reputation and a bright future, we are committed to providing a high quality, relevant, and engaging education for the students at our school.
I feel privileged to be the Headteacher of Shaftesbury High School. Here, at Shaftesbury, we place great value on our students' pastoral and academic development and we aim to create a genuine and positive atmosphere that can be felt and that resonates throughout each day, and in every part of the school. It is our duty to nurture these young people so that we enable them to emerge as confident, balanced, well-rounded adults who are determined to make their mark in the world.
It is my aim to serve the needs of your children, faithfully, consistently, and to the best of my ability. Here at Shaftesbury all members of the Shaftesbury community, and I, shall work hard to provide an outstanding school experience for your children. Not every step of the way will be easy - but then no enterprise was ever worth undertaking without barriers to overcome. Perseverance is everything, and together we shall succeed.
Mr Sage Ball