- A senior member of staff is responsible for supporting transition out of school.
- EHCP reviews in Years 10 & 11 highlight possible choices and support individual students will need.
- Careers and Life Skills forms part of the KS4 curriculum and supports skills and information needed to make transition choices.
- Students receive support from school staff for supporting their applications for either college or work.
- All Year 11 students attend college tasters.
- Support continues after students have left school by staff.
- Sixth Formers know that they can leave Shaftesbury at the end of Year 12, 13 or 14 – they have a full say in their future.
- There is renewed focus on building life skills to inform student informed choices.
- Weekly transition lessons involve SALT and the Family Transition advisor.
- The Family Transition advisor takes responsibility for supporting student’s applications for either college or work. They work closely with parents & carers and students to find the right placement.
- The Family Liaison advisor provides support to students and their families, organising coffee mornings in school and liaising with all appropriate services. They facilitate many students’ steps beyond the working day and up to age 25.
- Both advisors attend every parents evening. So do outside agencies, including local colleges, Mencap and residential providers, to preview and discuss next steps. Follow-up visits are frequently arranged. Students may also visit a range of potential destinations before their final transition.
- Prior to annual reviews there is a leavers’ conference attended by all professionals who are involved in the
transition from Child support to Adult support services. - Travel training, work placements and residentials are available to all potential leavers.
- Leavers night formally celebrates each leaver; future leavers are also invited.
- All students have support from two designated colleagues Transition can be to college and/or 6th Form.
- School and college staff plan and review joint curriculum strands.
- Students attend the Harrow college link course throughout the school year.