Shaftesbury High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We are fully committed to ensuring consistent, effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children and staff at our school.
The school follows the Local Authority policy on Recruitment and Safer Recruitment.
Please click here to download our updated Safeguarding policy.
KCSIE 2023 has been read and policies have been updated as appropriate. The updated policies are being ratified at the next GB meeting. The expectations and process from KCSIE in 2023 are being followed whilst the policies are awaiting ratification.
Information sharing
So that we can support your child to the best of our ability, please inform us if there is anything that we should know about home life, any changes e.g., eating, sleeping, domestic arrangements and medication. This can be through telephone calls, emails, and dojo. All information is shared on a need-to-know basis and will remain private. If there is anything that will support your child at home that the school could share with you, please let us know, and we will be happy to help.
My Concern
At Shaftesbury High School we are using an advanced behavior monitoring system called MyConcern. MYCONCERN® is a Queen’s Award-winning secure digital platform that enables our staff to record all safeguarding concerns. Incidents and concerns are diligently and consistently recorded. This approach highlights risks, issues, and trends which enables us to act early on.
Harrow Safeguarding Children's Board
Harrow Strategic Safeguarding Partnership (HSSP) has been set up to identify and support through agreed resourcing, the priorities for both Harrow Safeguarding Children Board (HSCB) and Harrow Safeguarding Adults Board (HSAB).
Our joined up approach aims to ensure that:
- Those working with children are alert and respond to the safeguarding and welfare needs of vulnerable adults associated with the same family (for further information see the HSABs website (Harrow’s safeguarding adults board (HSAB) “Staying safe” Harrow Council)
- Those working with people with care and support needs are alert and respond to the safeguarding and welfare needs of children associated with the same family.
- The transition of children with identified needs into adulthood is better coordinated. Our approach also embraces Contextual Safeguarding which means that both strategically and operationally we are committed to identifying and responding collaboratively to risks faced by individuals and their families outside of the home environment e.g. criminal and sexual exploitation.
Parents worried about radicalization
Our safeguarding leads
This poster shows our Safeguarding team and the 5 R's of Safeguarding: Recognise, Respond, Report, Record, and Refer.