Rights Respecting Schools
The UN Convention of the Rights of the Child is firmly embedded in the Shaftesbury culture and environment. This can be seen in our planning, policies, practice and ethos.
A Rights Respecting School not only teaches its students about their rights but how to transfer this knowledge to everyday life. This can be seen in students' participation in their Annual Review and EHCP meetings where their views are central to the targets set and decisions made.
As part of our RRSA work we have a steering group made up of students and staff who meet up every two weeks to discuss and plan what we are doing at Shaftesbury and what needs to be done to ensure that Childrens' Rights are always central to life at Shaftesbury. The students on the steering group are referred to as 'Rights Ambassadors'.
We model rights and respect in all our relationships: between teachers/adults and students, between adults and between students.
As part of our determination to embed childrens' rights and responsibilities into the Shaftesbury community use the language of rights and responsibillities throughout the curriculum.
Please click here to view a summary of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. Our 'Shaftesbury Says' can be found here.