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Events being held in the local area such as Parents Coffee mornings at Shaftesbury and local charities holding workshops will be listed here.

Through partnership with the King’s College Advocate Award, Harrow Virtual School is organising Future Focus, an event for young people to consider opportunities after finishing school. Further information under parent information and career pages

  Early Support - Youth Offer

The Early Support team at Harrow Council are running a Youth Offer Timetable at the Wealdstone Youth Centre. To make a booking or an enquiry please phone the Wealdstone Youth Centre on 020 8416 8667. LINK

Centre for ADHD & Autism support information

CAAS have a flyer of their services for March 2019 - April 2020. Please click here to view the flyer.


  PHAB Club information

Phab - a new youth club for teens with and without disabilities has been set up at St Helens's School, Green Lane, HA6 1AF. It takes places every fortnight on a Friday from 4:15pm onwards. For more information click here to view the club leaflet or email andrea.cawthorne@sthelens.london or mflower@mtsn.org.uk.


   Harrow Mencap - Skill Up

Harrow Mencap have produced a Skill Up leaflet showing how they can help with employment, life skills, Health and well-being and socialising. Please click here to view the flyer in PDF.


  A parent's guide: Improving the well-being of young children with learning disabilities

Cerebra and Mencap have collaborated with other organisations to create a guide for parents of young children with learning disabilities. Please click here to view the guide.

Cerebra - Emotional well-being for parents/carers of young children with learning disabilities

Cerebra have produced a factsheet to help parents/carers of young children with learning disabilities with their own emotional well-being. Please click here to view the guide.

  Open Days & Advice Evening

Find out what Capel Manor College can offer you at one of our Open Days or Advice Evenings, you will have an opportunity to discuss our courses with Tutors and our Admissions Team. Our courses will help you grow your potential, at Capel you will be supported and inspired, we will help you achieve your goals.

Visit their website www.capel.ac.uk for more information, Horticulture, Animal Care and First Aid by calling 0303 003 1234 or email: employerservices@capel.ac.uk.

16 to 24 year-olds can improve their job prospects with an Apprenticeship gaining the skills they need to become work-ready. Ring 0303 003 1234 or email: employerservices@capel.ac.uk for more information.

CAPEL MANOR GARDENS: For opening times, event listings and admission prices, please visit www.capelmanorgardens.co.uk.


 Support for people with learning disabilities

The London Northwest University Healthcare NHS Trust want to help people with learning difficulties when they are at any of the trust's three hospitals. They have produced a form to be printed off and filled out to explain what support people might need when they go to Northwick Park, Central Middlesex or Ealing Hospital. Please click here to view and download the form.

 Advice for unpaid carers over 25

The Carers Trust has produced a flyer to offer one-to-one advice and support to unpaid carers aged 25 and over who are living in London. Please click here to view the flyer.


 Children and Young People's Advocacy service

The Children and Young People's Advocacy service has been set-up to provide young people with knowledge about their rights and to ensure that their views and wishes are heard at all times. The advocates can help young people say what they want to say. The advocates listen, help make complaints and make sure that young people understand their rights as well as attending Looked After Children's review meetings, child protection conferences and other meeting either with or on behalf of young people. For more information please ring the Advocacy team on 020 3948 0559 or email them at advocacy@harrowmencap.org.uk.

 Swish (Support & Well-being Information Service Harrow)

A new service called Swish, which stands for Support & Well-being Information Service Harrow, has been set-up to provide information and advice to anyone in Harrow aged 18 or over about the local support services on offer and ways to keep safe and well. To find out more please click here to go to the Harrow CA website or email Mind In Harrow at info@mindinharrow.org.uk.

 Disability Multi-Sport club

The London Borough of Hillingdon run a fun multi-sports community club for young people with special needs. Sports include trampolining, football, volleyball, table tennis and boccia. Please click here to go to the Hillingdon website for more information.

 Upcoming events

Harrow Carers' have many events coming up. Please click here to view a list of the events that you might be interested in attending.


 Use of Technology to Support Young People on the Autistic Spectrum

The iNEQE Group have produced a video showing 4 ways parents and carers can use technology to support young people on the Autistic spectrum.

In no way does Shaftesbury approve or endorse any of the products featured in the video. Some of the products are paid for and we do not want parents and carers to think they must buy the products.

Cost of living  support