What is Evidence for Learning? (EfL)
EfL is an app that teachers log evidence of student progress across the curriculum. It is also used to log and track progress for Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) targets.
What EfL uploads look like
As seen below there will be pictures/videos of student work, with a comment on the students progress.
Parental Engagement
We have offered parents/carers in two classes to sign up to our trial of the new EfL Family App. The app allows parents/carers to receive updates released by teachers. The app also allows parents/carers to upload evidence of their child working on targets from one of the 5 areas of the EHCP such as”Independence and Community”.
During our last parents evening parents/carers were able to consent and sign up to our trial. If you would like to sign up to this trial please email the school or message via dojo and we will invite you in to sign a consent form and have a member of staff talk to you about downloading the app.
To request login details contact us at: adminoffice@shaftesbury.harrow.sch.uk
Click here to see how to use guide
Click here to see EfL Information Flayer
Click here to see EfL Consent form